Main author has another great paper!
Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial networks
CVPR 2017
More cited than cycle GAN, a bit different idea
More general, not just style transfer
Create and estimate correspondance between two high dimensional distributions
But why is it so big an popular?
We do not need matching samples!
Opens up possibilities for image synthesis
We could use a GAN to generate image in other domain and have a discriminator tell if it was generated or not.
In theory this could work
In practice it doesn’t
GANs alone do not guarantee that things pair up in meaningful ways, inifinitely many mappings that achieve the same thing.
Very prone to mode collapse, where everything is mapped to the same thing.
Good for neural style transfer and super resolution
Two stride-2 convolutions
Several residual blocks
Two fractionally strided convolutions, with stride \(0.5\)
6 blocks for \(128\times 128\), 9 for higher res
Use instance normalization
Use \(70 \times 70\) patchGANs
Sample overlapping patches from generated and real
Scales to larger output automatically
Has fewer parameters than a full image discriminator
Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial networks
CVPR 2017
More cited than cycle GAN, a bit different idea